Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Most Recently Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Objective type Questions and Answers pdf

1. A solute distributes itself between two non-miscible solvents in contact with each other in such a way that, at a constant temperature, the ratio of its concentrations in two layers is constant, irrespective of its total amount”. This is
o the distribution law
o a corollary of Henry’s law
o followed from Margule’s equation
o none of these
Ans: A

2. Which one is true for a throttling process?
o The inversion temperature is different for different gases
o The inversion temperature is the temperature at which Joule-Thomson co-efficient is infinity
o The inversion temperature is same for all gases
o A gas may have more than one inversion temperatures
Ans: A

3. Enthalpv changes over a constant pressure path are always zero for __________ gas
o a perfect
o an easily liquefiable
o a real
o any
Ans: A

4. For organic compounds, group contribution method can be used for the estimation of
o critical properties
o thermal conductivity
o specific gravity
o specific volume
Ans: A

5. First law of thermodynamics deals with the
o irreversible processes only
o reversible processes only
o direction of energy transfer
o none of these
Ans: C

6. One mole of nitrogen at 8 bar and 600 K is contained in a piston-cylinder arrangement. It is brought to 1 bar isothermally against a resisting pressure of 1 bar. The work done (in Joules) by the gas is
o 10373
o 4364.9
o 4988.4
o 30554
Ans: A

7. The work done in isothermal compression compared to that in adiabatic compression will be
o more
o more or less depending upon the extent of work done
o same
o less
Ans: B

8. A solid is transformed into vapour without going to the liquid phase at
o below triple point
o always
o boiling point
o triple point
Ans: D

9. For spontaneous changes in an isolated system (S = entropy)
o ds = 0
o ds> 0
o ds < 0
o ds = Constant
Ans: B

10. When liquid and vapour phases of one component system are in equilibrium (at a given temperature and pressure), the molar free energy is
o more in liquid phase
o same in both the phases
o replaced by chemical potential which is more in vapour phase
o more in vapour phase
Ans: B


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